Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Bucky's Bloody Marys - Worth Bragging About!

Not that it should come as any surprise, but Redmond's - one of Wisconsin fans six (seven?) homes in Chicago - has one hell of a bloody mary. Knowing that many of these type of folk tend to come a few hours before the game (and Wisconsin games are usually at 11am), or just like to kick the day off right, they offer a DIY bar of enviable variety. Providing patrons with just a pint glass of ice and a travel-size bottle of vodka, Redmond's lets drinkers take the reins with a buffet of house-made and commercial mixes, hot sauces of all kinds, and a plethora of peppers, salts, and importantly - garnishes. Unlike Rockit, they smartly supply skewers for said garnishes. Let's see how they stacked up:

the taste: 4.5
the texture: 4
the kick: 5
the sight: 4.75
the buck ($5.50): 4.75

Definitely the highest ranked bloody mary so far! Congrats, Redmond's! Check out the garnishes to the right. Pickled asparagus and tomatoes, standard olives and pickles (which should not be taken for granted), huge, crispy celery sticks, and so much more....mmmmm. Guest bracketeers loved the variety available, but were especially pleased with the kick that the house mix had via the clear abundance of horseradish.

Hahn's Badger Bloody
Redmond's Spicy House Mix
Lots of mexican hot sauce
Celery Salt
Pickled Asparagus
Salami, cheese
Olive & artichoke heart
Gold & magic

Can't wait to go back! ON WISCONSIN!

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