This Memorial Day, I spent the weekend camping out in lovely Chillicothe, IL for the Summer Camp Music Festival. After loading up the car, taking two trips to the bagel place & (somewhat accidentally) wearing my slippers out of the house, we were on the road! We got there late Friday morning and unloaded our gear in some rainy, muddy weather. It took a couple of trips and lots of elbow grease, but we finally got camp set up just as it stopped raining. Thank gd we remembered our wellies, because the mud was EVERYWHERE!
After a day and night of some fantastic tunes, we survived the freezing night and woke up to the sun shining and high 70s weather. After about 40 minutes, I remembered! Vague memory from the day before of seeing a sign for Bloody Marys...I'll have to remember where that is.... Well, I clearly forgot where it was. But my lovely musicfestivalmate, ever the responsible friend, remembered where they were - right next to her iced coffee stand. Double fist, please!
Located under The Canopy - which is a bar set up under a very large tarp (complete with General Store open 24 hours that sells cases of beer ... what) - was my beacon of light. A nod of solidarity towards the few early patrons (it was about 10am), and I took stock of the situation. $7 BM (expected for a festival drink) in a regular sized cup. $3 for an extra shot - no matter, we had vodka in the tent. I ordered one up, and he charged me $8 - an extra buck for the compostable, biodegradable goodness that was disguised as a regular plastic cup. Fair enough, I saved it for later use.
They used tomato juice and I'm not sure what else, but I found the bartender didn't measure the vodka and I didn't need to top it off. It tasted creamy and delicious, and came with a celery stalk & 2 olives. (Later in the day I saw they went down to 1.) Surprisingly yummy and not watered down, especially for a festival drink! They also had a mixers bar (celery salt, pepper, hot sauce & worcestershire), which was still maintained a bunch of hours later when we went back for another.
Price: 3
Tasty: 4
Garnish: 3
Customizable Options: 3
All in all, while it was nothing very special, it was a standard, delicious, & welcome drink to kick of a hot Saturday of music. Next year, I'll try the margarita! aiaiaii!
Love & libations,
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