Friday, May 30, 2008
Rules & Regs
Tonight is a particuarly exciting time for me. My last final was just handed in, my big project for work has wrapped, and my college roommate comes in tomorrow for my birthday weekend! This means summer has officially begun - finally. Adding to the (extreme) excitement is the fact that our first tasting is just 35 hours away! !!
My good friend lila, the creative mind behind food blog & brooklyn supperclub site, provides a categorical breakdown of the scoring that we will be using to grade our brunchtime delights:
the taste: are we talking fresh tomato juice? clamato? v-8? sweet? salty? savory? brine-y?
the texture: along the lines of taste...watered down? too thick? too much ice? too little ice? i like my bloodys to be solid but not too heavy that i cant order a second (or third for that matter) round.
the kick: self-explanatory. personally, im very opinionated in the tabasco vs chile sauce debate. i dont like tabasco AT ALL. i chalk it up there with olives, another dreaded food of mine. which makes my bloody mary scoring extra annoying.
the sight: i like when folks have fun with the garnishes, but it shouldn't get in the way of enjoying my drink. the garnishes should be simple, inventive and complimentary to the taste. a glass that shows up with a leaning tower of briney vegetables, so tall that you have dissasemble your drink jenga-style, nuh-uh.
the buck: at my favorite bklyn bloody joint its always two for one. 'nuff said.
At each venue, scorecards will be provided which will have a 1-5 point scale for each of the above categories. The average score from each category will be the official score for that bloody mary - but don't worry, if you have any particularly strong sentiments, they will not be overlooked! A space for your personal opinions will also be provided. As will golf pencils. If you're lucky.
You might not believe it, but suggestions for bloody mary sites are STILL coming in. I've closed the polls as of tonight, so the final list will be posted tomorrow. (today? friday. somehow, time has lost all meaning over the past two months.)
Again, thank you all for being such fantastic bracketeers! And special thanks to lila, always my creative cliff notes in a time of sleep-deprived poop for brains.
Love & libations,
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Spokey Beginnings
Forecast for this Saturday looks sunny & beautiful, so I have reserved the outdoor patio for our group. The owner will be coming out and telling us a little bit about their FOUR different types of bloody marys - so come with a whet palate! And try not to be late - noon is their busiest time of day!
ever think that "waiting with bated breath" is gross?,
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Biodegradable Bloodies at a Hippie Fest? Yes, Please!

This Memorial Day, I spent the weekend camping out in lovely Chillicothe, IL for the Summer Camp Music Festival. After loading up the car, taking two trips to the bagel place & (somewhat accidentally) wearing my slippers out of the house, we were on the road! We got there late Friday morning and unloaded our gear in some rainy, muddy weather. It took a couple of trips and lots of elbow grease, but we finally got camp set up just as it stopped raining. Thank gd we remembered our wellies, because the mud was EVERYWHERE!
All in all, while it was nothing very special, it was a standard, delicious, & welcome drink to kick of a hot Saturday of music. Next year, I'll try the margarita! aiaiaii!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Hear Ye, Hear Ye!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
To My Dear 100+ Bracketeers

Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Welcome, Bloody Bracketeers!
With summer (very) slowly sneaking up on us, there has never been a better time for a weekend morning bloody mary. Nothing can be compared to the feeling when you hazily stumble out of your apartment on a Saturday morning, slide your sunglasses over your eyes, and find safe haven in the form of a chair in the sun, perfectly blended bloody mary in hand.
I can hear your collective sighs of pleasurable agreement from here.
Help me find the best bloody mary in Chicago!
While certain individual preferences may vary (Salami as a garnish or no? Are shrimp & cocktail sauce going too far? Red horseradish or white?) certain qualities of a fantastic bloody mary are indisputable. Thickness, dilution due to ice, spicyness, and appropriate garnishes all weigh in as gradeable traits.
Starting on Saturday, May 31, the BLOODY BRACKET commences!
Depending on the number of contesting bars/restaurants, brackets will be broken down by either neighborhood or region. From there, the search continues all summer long!
There are many ways that YOU can participate!
- Email me YOUR favorite bloody mary joint, and it will be added to the list. This is essential! Everyone on this list comes from a different area of the city, and we would like to have appropriate representation from each - so don't be shy!
- Join in as a judge during any BLOODY BRACKET GAME DAY! Most Saturdays (and/or Sundays, let's be honest) will be a game day - and this is your chance to weigh in! I'll send an email the Thursday or Friday before saying where that weekend's tasting will be, and you can just show up. I hope it goes without saying, but eggs and other brunchtime meals will be accompanying the tasting.
Let the games begin!